Sep 13Liked by Julie Ferwerda

Hi Julie! Wow, what a story...But you seem to me a very strong woman! I recognize the struggles with religion. I often think..why do I always think different than the restπŸ™ˆ.

I also feel a mother and father wound. Still struggling with Gods love for me.

I dont hear you speak about God.

Who is God..and the bible, for you then?

I wish you all the best..your posts trigger me...(not always completely understood, I am Dutch). πŸ–πŸ–

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"God" is the ineffable. The Great Mystery. I don't like the word "God" because it has so much baggage for so many. I often refer to "the Universe," or "Divine Source." I don't read the Bible anymore. I'm not opposed to using a quote now and then, or other people quoting it. But now I know that we are the living books...we don't need a book on paper or in stone.

I understand you well! Thank you Thea...I appreciate your comment!

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Sep 13Liked by Julie Ferwerda

Brilliant and informative, open and honest piece of writing

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Thank you, Paula. πŸ’ž

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Sep 12Liked by Julie Ferwerda

Julie, you have traveled one hell of a journey. You could have titled this β€œTo Hell and Back!”. I admire your courage in confronting your fears, loneliness, and rejection. To find God look neither high, low, or out there. The light may be dim at first, but as we allow our emotional demons to heal, one finds the light was in us all along. Just dimmed, by emotional pain, trauma, misguided beliefs, and assumptions. My heart rejoices to see you heal and grow.

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Very sweet and gracious words Don. Thank you so much for being a very special part of my journey over many years now. I think I can still say that My life has been perfectly unfolding exactly as it should. And everything I've been through has made me who I am today. I wouldn't change any of it. But I don't want to ever do it again. πŸ˜…

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I love this story, Julie, and admire your openness and courage! I can relate very well to the changes in your religious/spiritual beliefs and outlooks. I’ve gone through a similar process and am so comfortable now with my spiritual life! Dropping judgement towards other people and replacing the religious based (biased?) judgement with a more loving outlook was hugely freeing for me! I have a completely new understanding of the Bible now and realize that so much of it was not God inspired, but rather man inspired! πŸ‘€

Thank you Julie, for opening your heart.πŸ’–

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