Sep 9Liked by Julie Ferwerda

Very comprehensive and well-written. I spent several years in the cacoon after my illusionary Christian worldview collapsed. My journey turned inward as I tasted from the Tree of Life and the reality of no separateness from God, the universe, and consciousness. Or whatever one calls it. I have read several books by a “Christan”non-dualist named Marshall Davis. I can’t wait to read your next book. Sounds exciting.

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Thank you, Don! I have begun listening to the New Thought teachers in the past couple years, which is really old thought! Did you ever read or listen to "Three Magic Words" by US Andersen? It's like I had been saying it in so many ways and layers, but the stark reality had not hit my consciousness yet until this book (available on Youtube). It was a game changer!

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Sep 6Liked by Julie Ferwerda

Thank you for this well-written and well-reasoned reflection Julie Ferwerda.

"I am a microcosm of the infinite" is a beautiful way to understand the transcendent representation of God within each of us.

The path of my journey is similar to yours. I was raised in a "black and white" Evangelical family. I rejected the dogma and completely left the church as an adult, settling into stoic agnosticism.

Seeking the truth, ultimately I discovered that I am not separate from God, I am a manifestation of the infinite.

When Moses "questioned God" at the burning bush for its name, and God revealed the supreme reality "I AM that I AM" - existence and consciousness. The same divinity attributed to Jesus in the book of John with his "I AM" statements is within me.

Each of us are an expression of the infinite Universe, understanding itself through the lens of an intelligent person with the capacity for curiosity, kindness, and love.

Each of us have power and agency to re-create the world and ourselves.

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This is beautifully expressed, Abe. I had an epiphany this year about the tension and conundrum between free will and fate. It seems that the more we awaken to our Christ Consciousness I Am presence, the more we obtain true free will to create, rather than to react to life. Spoiler alert. 😂 What you expressed here is what I am developing throughout this series.

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Julie and I have been friends for years - we have 111 mutual friends on Facebook. This article that I had not seen, was written in 2017. There is an emphasis on hell, the trinity and Richard Rohr. I have provided a link to a post of mine on Wordpress with a very similar emphasis, from April 2016.

Julie and I have been on very different journeys through Christendom.

I have been an outside observer of Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism especially in America, for over 25 years. I sense that I need to share my ‘finalised’ story on Substack. You can see my two posts on Substack (the main post is dated 14th June but was not in its present state until September).


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No, I haven’t. I will have to check it out.

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