Jul 8Liked by Julie Ferwerda

I am right there with you, sister! My family has rejected me and my kids in the name of Christianity, because I am no longer a believer and 2 of my kids are LGBTQA+. I have never been more happy and free to love others without the constraints of the Christian mindset. I finally am living a guilt free life and it is GOOD! I love you and am sorry this family member can’t see the beautiful human being that is you! I am still going to come see you two in PR. I am knee deep in classes right now, but it will happen❤️

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I can't wait to reconnect with you...I know we will feel as if no time has passed. And yes, we share that common wound of rejection from Christian family members...so sad. You are also a beautiful human, worthy of all the love! XOXO P.S. I'm curious about what classes you are taking.

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Coding classes through the AAPC to get my license back. When I quit we were on ICD-9….I needed refresher classes and to learn ICD-10…I forgot how much I need to know to pass the 5 hour timed exam…when licensed I hope to be able to work from home/remote.

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Jun 30Liked by Julie Ferwerda

Excellent piece

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Thank you, Tony!

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